Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Weekend Recap!!

Hey everyone!! This post is a little delayed. My bad! I actually already wrote and published this post from my phone on Monday, but for some reason it did something weird and didn't work!

This past weekend was a blast! The Mr. took me to the movies twice! We also went to Applebee's and splurged a little on  magnificent meal! Oemgee!

Movie #1

Pacific Rim!! AMAZING! This definitely tops my ultimate movie list! It had great action, great story, hot ugly guys ;D , and the hubs loved it too!

Defintely a must see for sumer!

Movie #2

Grown Ups 2! This one had me laughing the entire time, it was really that funny! At first I was wondering how it was going to live up to the original but then it totally surpassed it!

In other news, I put my car up for sale. Yes, the one I just got. I found one I liked much better. So its hopefully going to its new owner tomorrow! =)

This week is going to be full of activities. I have Wednesday  through Monday off so the Mr. and I will be going on to different events the entire week. The lake, the art show, and the car show just to name a few. And you better believe there will be a post on each outing! =)

Talk to you soon!!

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