Friday, November 1, 2013


So there has been a bunch of hocus Pocus going on around my house lately, especially with getting ready for Halloween. 

I initially was not planning on dressing up or partaking in Halloween this year. Although I did want to carve pumpkins. That didn't happen-turns out it is more fun to carve pumpkins when you have kids. :( I'm not there...yet. 

Halloween morning I decided I would dress up and try to be a little festive. I didn't want to buy an expensive costume. Not to mention they probably only had the hideous gorilla costumes left. So I ended up with a DIY costume. 

I was a vampire for Halloween. Spooky! Spooky! My niece thought I looked scary, but I don't think I did. 

I already had the purple corset and I paired that with black leggings and black boots. Add some perfect Vamp makeup and I had the perfect DIY costume. 

Hubby wasn't feeling the dress up mood I was. 

Next year I will definitely be more prepared. I have big plans for getting us both into costumes!! 

He did put on my nephews mask after the night was all over. It was pretty creepy how big his body was compared to the small skeleton mask. 

Today is the official kick start of the holidays and I could not be more excited!! Thanksgiving is right around the corner and then a over the hills and through the woods to Christmas!! 

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