Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Wedding Day 06/04/2011

I'm trying to figure out a direction with my blog, I kind of just dove in and expected not to sink. But blogging is a lot harder than people may think. Definitely harder then I thought. I decided to make my blog about "the first years of marriage". It's something I know a lot about because I'm going into my 3rd here, shortly. I also will throw some fashion and beauty tips in along with some fitness tips. If you see something on my blog and you want to know how I did it, I can make a tutorials showing that also, upon request. So lets get started, My Wedding Day: 

I was in such a rush to get married that at the time I didn't care about how much effort or thought went I to it. I kept saying I just want the marriage. Looking back I wish I would have experienced and enjoyed the wedding planning more than I did. I probably would have done more. But anyway, my wedding was very low budget. So instead of having the traditional wedding with a reception and dancing, I opted for a dessert bar instead. Our wedding was in the evening at 7 o'clock and afterwards we would have dessert instead of dinner and dancing. 

I woke up the morning of my wedding and my best friend and I went and got our nails done. I hated that I had to wait practically ALL day to get married, I was excited and wanted to get it started. After I got my nails done, we came home and hung out for a (long) while. It finally got to be around 5 o'clock and that's when things started happening. :)

I gathered up my stuff and headed to the church. My hair stylist was going to get me all fancy there. Up until a half hour before the wedding, I was getting my hair done. Once that was finished, I was able to get my dress on. The best part!
I didn't wear shoes. I wore these toe beads.

My pastor came in and had me sign the marriage license. I wasn't nervous at all. Once he had left the room, it was about time for me to get ready to walk down the aisle. That's when I got super nervous and started sweating. I was ready to back out and run. I had to sit in front of a fan. This was the only way for me to cool off. 

Then my aunt reminded me that technically I was already married on paper and that took the nerves right away. My bridesmaids had started walking and my flower girls, and now it was my turn. My dad and I started to walk the aisle and I couldn't help but awkwardly smile. We got a late start because my mom and mother in law forgot to do the unity sand and while they were doing that, the men were supposed to walk out. My pastor and Casey didn't walk out till the bridal party had already gone. Oops! 

While we're saying our vows, I started getting really dizzy and I had to hold tight to Casey and tell my pastor to hurry up. We finally got to our kiss and walked back down the aisle. 

We had to stand and say hi and hug every single person who was there!!! I hated that part!! I don't know why we had to do that. 

Next came the picture escapade! After 500, you get tired of smiling. And since it wasn't a actual reception people were eating there dessert and leaving. I didn't even meet half of Casey's family. So we put the rest of the pictures on hold, yea there were more to be taken. We cut the cake, did toasts, and I threw my bouquet and Casey took my garter off. It was all very rushed and I don't even remember the half of it. 

Once it was over and all the people left, I was ready to leave. We had a hotel room for the night because we were leaving to go to the sand dunes for our honeymoon the next morning. That's a whole different story, that you will hear about. 

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