Friday, November 1, 2013


So there has been a bunch of hocus Pocus going on around my house lately, especially with getting ready for Halloween. 

I initially was not planning on dressing up or partaking in Halloween this year. Although I did want to carve pumpkins. That didn't happen-turns out it is more fun to carve pumpkins when you have kids. :( I'm not there...yet. 

Halloween morning I decided I would dress up and try to be a little festive. I didn't want to buy an expensive costume. Not to mention they probably only had the hideous gorilla costumes left. So I ended up with a DIY costume. 

I was a vampire for Halloween. Spooky! Spooky! My niece thought I looked scary, but I don't think I did. 

I already had the purple corset and I paired that with black leggings and black boots. Add some perfect Vamp makeup and I had the perfect DIY costume. 

Hubby wasn't feeling the dress up mood I was. 

Next year I will definitely be more prepared. I have big plans for getting us both into costumes!! 

He did put on my nephews mask after the night was all over. It was pretty creepy how big his body was compared to the small skeleton mask. 

Today is the official kick start of the holidays and I could not be more excited!! Thanksgiving is right around the corner and then a over the hills and through the woods to Christmas!! 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fall Decor

My love for fall would not be complete without some decorations, right?? We'll now that it is October First, it is perfectly acceptable to start decorating in extreme. I already have a few pumpkin displays around my room, but that's as much as Casey would let me do before today! 

He also allowed a few clingys. 

Now, that it's officially Fall I am going break out some of my Pinterest ideas. I will do tutorials on them as well so you can see how it's done. 

October is going to be a great month! I can just feel it. 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Apple Orchard and Corn Maze

Today Casey and I took a couple of our friends and there children to Erie Apple Orchard. This was there first time to an orchard ever! Whaaaa???

We had so much fun and so did the kids. The girls got to ride the ponies and feed the goats. Haley went on the jump jump. (ever since 4 Christmas' came out, its so much easier to say jump jump) 

We also got hot apple spice donuts and cider slushies! We got to listen to live music as well. 

I think one of our favorite parts was getting lost in the corn maze and and throwing corn kernels at each other. 
They also got to play in the kids play hay house. 


And of course it was so nice to spend some quality time with my love. 


If your in the Erie Area, you have to check them out! This is not the orchard I was referring to in my Fall Favorites post, we will be going there as well. But for now, this one is much closer to home. 

Following the Fall theme here, I have started to put my pumpkins out! I bought some really cool ones for outside the house and then I bought a bunch of cute little ones for our room. I also got gourds and Indian corn. I had to, I felt bad leaving it behind. =) 

This is by far the beginning! I cant wait to get the rest of my stuff out and put all over the house bedroom. My husband says it looks like were living in a pumpkin patch!! I'll take it!! 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Little Miss Sicky Pants

So I have been laid up in bed for the last 2 days with strep throat. All in thanks to my mother in law. She has been sick as dog and we even had to take her to the ER on Thursday night. So I am nursing myself, my husband, and my MIL back to health.

Hospital ER from 3 a.m. till 5 a.m.

The side of our bed looks like a snow peak mountain top of tissues. Not to mention the endless water bottles, and McCafe smoothie cups. That has really been helping the throats out around here.

We are all on amoxicillin and doing better. We still have the ickies, but not as bad.

There are some MAJOR differences when your sick as an adult then when you were a child. When I was little, my mom would keep me home from school, make me stay in bed and watch all my Disney movies, and serve me chicken noodle soup with stars. I loved it!!

Now when I am sick, it is a little different. I stay home from work, lay in bed all day, make myself soup and put my own movies in. Which means I have to get out of bed, often. And if my husband is sick also?? I do it all for him too.

The only difference about this time being sick is my husband is recovering from surgery so he has been extra cuddly!! This is my ultimate happy place! Non-stop cuddling for 2 far!

In other news tomorrow is the official first day of Fall. I cannot be any happier! The start of cool weather and my Fall Festivities (last post) list!

I hope you all stay happy and healthy!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Fall Favorites

Every year I make a list of things I want to do during the different seasons. Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. Lots of reasons-its cooler; which means you can dress in layers and still be comfortable. Its also not so blistering hot where you dont want to go outside and do anything.

Here is my list of MUSTS for fall.

1. Go to Uncle Johns Cider Mill and Pumpkin Patch. They have the best of the bests. Ginormous pumpkin patch, acres of apple trees, petting zoo, caramel apples, bake shop, kid corn maze, and so much more! I cant wait to go this fall and maybe even take a few friends.

2. A fall picnic is an absolute! With the changing of the leaves and crisp air, its beautiful.

3. Hiking through the Marsch. With all the trees and and wild life changing for the season its 1) absolutely beautiful and 2) its cold enough for all the ticks bugs to be dead.

4. I would also like to get Fall family pictures taken with my sexy husband. Like I have said before, i love the color scheme. I also have a photographer in mind to do my pictures this year. Modern Belle Photography does amazing work. I have been following her work for years. I can't wait to see what ideas we can come up with for our family photos.

5. Decorate! Decorate! Decorate! Guess what I want to do??? Decorate! My Pinterest is over flowing with ideas for this fall.
thanksgiving                                                Pumpkins and Branches how adorable and easy does this one with the pumpkins look??

6. DIY. I have a few crafty ideas, that i would like to attempt. I am not super crafty but I really wish i was. So this is me starting my crafty journey.
I want to try this. I love cinnamon!                          easy idea for front porch

7. Along with some decorating and craft ideas, whats the fall without some delicious treats. I have a few recipes that I am dying to try.

Apple cider cups.  This looks delicious and cheap.  Mini Pumpkin Cheesecakes

These apple cups would be perfect for our picnic and the little pumpkin pie cheesecakes?? Thanksgiving contribution!

8. All Hallows Eve! This is the first year, that my hubby and I will be attempting to dress up. We were invited to a Halloween party last year and didn't dress up. I know, shame on us. My husband isn't one for dressing up, unless its a really good costume or I beg starting in January. I don't want to spend lots of $$ on a costume so I think I am going to attempt homemade. yikes!

So far my ideas include, thanks to pinterest,- minions, soap and loufa, and milkman and housewife.

9. The clothes!! Leggings, tights, boots, over-sized chunky sweaters and scarves!! I have been stocking up on leggings since July. Our weather here is teasing me. Last week it was all in the 60's now, it is in the high 70's. Then back down to 60's next week. What??????? Hopefully it stays cooler..

I'm sure this list will grow as the colder weather comes, but I think this is a good starting off point. As for now, I can't wait to get started!

*picture links can be found under the pinterest link in number 5*

Casey's surgery

Yesterday my husband had to have five teeth surgically removed. He had to take medicine before his appointment to knock him out as well as lots of numbing shots.  

His appointment was about 2 hours long.  But the surgeon said he did great.  

This is pre-op. 
All the teeth that had to be removed. 

This was him post-op. He had lots pain medicine and was still groggy. Fell asleep and stayed asleep. 
 You can see his mouth is a little swollen still. 

But today is day 2 and he is doing much better. He is loving all the extra special treatment I'm giving him. He is totally milking it. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lazy Lazy Lazy

Its true, I am probably one of the laziest people ever. Especially when it comes to my homework and my schooling. I really need to get a handle on this not wanting to go to school thing. I was all gung-ho a month ago and now I'm struggling to do my math homework.

Like I said, I had a complete and perfect puzzle put in my head and now its like its been shredded.

Ideally I want to move out, have a baby and just be a stay at home mom. But I seem to always have to find something to preoccupy myself with for the time wonder I get so board with everything I have to do; its not really what I want.

Not feeling like me...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall....

I knew things were going to change, but i thought it wouldn't be for the worse. I understand things are difficult, but maybe its just me not knowing how to deal? I just want to be alone, and everyone keeps coming over and i understand people grieve differently. Its just annoying. Everything has changed so much, i don't think i can take anymore. I want to make things easy as they are, but i can't help but feel things would be easier if we were on our own.

And its not going to be like that for a long while, which makes me feel so many things. I feel like i am stuck between a rock and a hard place. Im sinking in quick sand.

I feel like the things i want are unreachable and it makes me want to give up. But then so many people will be disappointed in me.

My brain used to be a perfect puzzle and all the pieces fit together. Now, its like the pieces have been put through the shredder and I'm trying to put them together again. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, humpty dumpty had great fall.....

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

NOT Making it....

My life has been extremely difficult lately. My father-in-law passed away suddenly on August 28, 2013. He suffered a heart attack. It was sudden, but he had heart problems for years. He had a quadruple bypass at 34. We always knew he would leave us from a heart related something, but never did we think it would be at the young age of 48. Our family is torn apart and broken. There are so many uncertainties. My husband and i have been living with them for the last 2 years, it is especially hard on us not seeing him everyday and him not coming home from work.

One of the things that hurt me the most is that he will never meet our grandchildren, this tears me up inside. I have already lost 2 grandmothers that i desperately wanted my children to know and vice versa. Harry was top 5 on my list! I am down to 2. How sad!

As you can imagine, this has made me push the "getting pregnant" issue more than usual. I don't think i could bare losing anyone else dear to me. I have already seen so much death for a 21 year old. I know how precious life is and creating new life gives me a sense of hope and love. Like whats broken can be pieced back together.

Our family needs prayers and strength. God had a plan and even though we don't understand it, I have to trust him. I feel like I am at the bottom of the totem pole. With no plans of moving up any time soon.

For some reason, Casey's side of the family lives so fricken far up north that we can never see them only gets together for funerals. So even though we were hurting inside; it was comforting that all our family was over and in town for a few days.

Some pics of our family~



As for when we will being thinking about starting our family....who knows. I am ready now, but it takes 2. And i think Casey just has to much on his mind for that and i don't want to keep forcing it.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

Hello Friends!

Sorry, I haven't been able to blog lately. I haven't really been home since this past Thursday. Tonight is the first night I have been back at my desk, blogging.

What have I been doing? Let me give you the run down.

Thursday: My best friend and her husband come over for dinner. My husband and her husband had to work together on Friday so we decided to spend the night at there house because it was closer to the job. Spent the night!

Friday: I went to work and then came back to there house. We went and picked up her step daughter from Toledo. Came home and baked a cake, wrote on the sidewalk with chalk, rode bikes, played basketball and colored-while the guys were still at work. The men didn't get home from work till 9p.m.  Spent the night!

Saturday: My friend had school on Saturday so I woke up and took Haley-my friends daughter to Mcdonalds and I had to pick up my school books from the college. Then we went to Belle-Tire. After that, we watched Epic and then I got my tattoo worked on.

Then we went home!!

Sunday: We went to church then back to our friends house for dinner with all of there family. Then home. It feels good to be home.

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Owls Owls Owls

My obsession! I have always loved owls, I thought they were cute. But O MY OWL!!!! Lately, I have been on owl overload. Including this cute little guy I bought for my fall decorating ideas! Pier One has so many owl decorations out for Autumn right now that I literally whore out the words Awe, that's so cute, and o my owl. Ill be buying something from there every week. Wings down!!

What better way than to mix my two favorite things. Owls and cupcakes!!

I will probably print something like this off to hang around my house at some point. Yea, I'm that obsessive!

I totally cant wait till I come across some more adorable owl things. I even asked my husband if I could get one for a pet. He said that's a bit psychotic extreme.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Fall Is Near!!

I don't know how the weather has been in your area, but in our neck of the woods we have been having chilly mornings and cool days with nice breezes.

This is my favorite time of year-when everything goes back to normal. School is starting, fall is coming and so are the holidays! I am so excited to decorate for Halloween, Thanksgiving/Fall, and Christmas!!

I picked this beauty up at Pier One Imports today for $11!! Score!

How cute is this owl! I am obsessed with everything owl; there is so much more cute Fall décor at Pier One that I will most definitely be going back to stock up!

In other Fall news, I have started stocking up on my Fall wardrobe! Bring on the leggings and baggy sweaters with fricken adorable boots!!

Target has leggings on sale for $10 right now! Score!!!

Im also thinking about Halloween costumes for me and the hubby. Ideas include: Oreos & Milk, a Hunter & a deer or the ones that we will most likely be doing....MINIONS!!!

Bring on the festivities!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Recipe Page

I love to cook! My husband loves that I cook, because I really get into new and tricky dishes. He isn't eating the same thing every week.

I have decided to document the fun and delicious recipes that I have tried. I like to eat really healthy so I will be adding a lot of healthy dinner recipes as well as some not so healthy dinner recipes. =)

Along with the dinner recipes with come smoothie recipes. I am a firm believer in smoothies. They are healthy, delicious, and quick. You can even freeze the mix into cubes and its ready for the next day.

So lets get cooking!! =)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Weekend update!

Hello everyone! How was your weekend? Mine was a mix of good and bad. This weekend my husband and I got to relax! Saturday we did nothing but sit on the couch and watch Disney movies. Uneven made a quick dinner-Taco Salad. Yum!! 

I make the best taco salad-I use Doritos!! 
This was the highlight of my weekend, I love cuddle one on one time with my babe and we don't get it very often, unfortunately. 

The bad part of my weekend was horribly tragic. One of our cats had a litter of kittens a few weeks ago and we brought them in the house because the mama was being a bad mommy. She wouldn't feed them or pee them or poop them. That meant we had to buy kitten formula and bottle feed them ourselves. Which sounds great and it is, but it gets tiring after awhile.  

Anyway, we're dog sitting my sister in laws bitch. Literally. She is a boxer and I really can't stand her. 

While we were at church, she decided to slaughter 3 of the poor kittens. Don't know how she got to them, but she did. 

She got her ass beat. Luckily not by me or she wouldn't be here. We were hoping that her ass kicking would deter her from chasing or going after them or the other cats again, NOPE! Dumbass dog!! She snapped at one this morning while he was in my hands! 

The worst part of all this is that she is my nieces dog, but 2 of my nieces want kittens. Not only can they definitely not have any cats now, there dog masa cured the ones my nieces wanted. 

How we supposed to explain that to 3 children under 10?? 

So there was some heavy death in the air Sunday. It was extremely sad to think about what those poor kittens went through. :( 

Hopefully my next post will be cheerful and lighthearted. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What country people do when there board

We ride four wheelers at 11 o'clock at night through the fields. 

Honestly, its kind of scary because you never know what your going to run into. 

But it's still fun. 

The main view! 

Oh what fun it is to ride on a four wheeler at night! (Sung to the tune of "O what fun")

Monday, August 5, 2013

New Ink!!

Iv been wanting to get some fresh ink for a long time. It's been 4 years since my last and first tattoo.

Luckily we have amazing friends who happen to be tattoo artist so they hooked us up!! 

This was my original tattoo 4 years ago. It's not very exciting or extravagant. I knew I wanted strength on my wrist but that's about all I knew. Soooo, I wrote it out myself and she inked it. 

I like it because it was my first, I may get it touched up eventually but for now, I would rather get new ones. 

Thanks to Pinterest, I found one about a year ago that I fell in love with!! I just never got it. Honestly, I was scared to get another one because I didn't remember how my first one felt. 

I decided I would get another one, but it would have to be on a wim. If I thought about it or planned it, I wouldn't go through with it.

Well my friend hit me up yesterday and was like, yal want some ink?? Of course I did! On a wim! And bam-they were on there way over.

My first tattoo (wasn't planning on getting 2) was on my other wrist. I wanted love written in a heart 

So Ta-Da, took 15 minutes and it didn't hurt at all. I felt like such an idiot for being so nervous! 

After mine was done, my husband got his wedding ring tattoo since his real ring got outgrown.

What a darling husband getting his woman's initials. Apparently finger tattoos wear off easily so he will most likely get it touched up or changed eventually. 

My next one was the one I have always wanted, it was bigger and I got the small one to make sure I could handle it. Aced it!

This one isn't finished yet, because there is a lot of detail and shading and color that has to be added. But we got the basic outline done and will add to it once it heals in a few weeks. This one I thought would hurt because its closer to the bone and all, but it didn't-at all!! It actually felt quite nice, like a massage. 

This was as soon as it was done. 

I can't wait till its finished and I can't wait till I get more!! 

Stay tuned for the final update!! You dot want to miss it!