Sunday, July 7, 2013

Breaking News!!

I am not a vegetarian by any means. I love meat, but I am a firm believer in the humane treatment of animals. Even if there beef cows that are meant to be slaughtered.

We have a cow farmer in the town next to us that treats his cattle horribly. There are around 100 cows in a small pen of dirt. Well, we have been getting rain and thunderstorms everyday for the last 2 and a half weeks. Now there corral is a few feet deep with mud. Its up to there bellies.

We have called Fox News, channel 7 and channel 4. We want the treatment of these animals stopped. The owner does this every year, we want him to suffer repercussions.

Fox 2 News literally just called us back and they are passing the story on to there producers!! How awesome!

This is where some of our meat is coming from. This cannot be healthy by any means.
 So a little update on the MOo MoO situation, PETA is now involved. They are doing the best they can to help, but the cops are really standing in there way! Also, the Monroe Evening News is writing a story on the issue. However, it wont be out until next week. Were still thankful that they are taking this matter seriously, but were supposed to get a lot of rain here from now till then. It storming hard right now.
Were going back to the farm tonight to take more pictures because we have had non-stop rain all day and not drizzle. Hard core down pour!

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