Monday, July 1, 2013

Stranded at the Driven...

So I was stranded today. No, not at the drive in. More like on the highway...because I ran out of gas. Now before you go saying how stupid it was, let me tell you how well my gas gauge works. 

When you put gas in my tank, no matter how small of an amount. It will spring up to full. If you are sitting at a stop sign for a millisecond, it will ding that its empty. 

How's a girl to know when to full up?? 

Oh, by watching you mileage and calculating it out?? That's a good idea, if the odometer worked. Mine doesn't! 

So I have to guess all the time!! Talk about nerve racking! 

Add that to the list of things needing to be fixed. 

Let me show you my view on things today. 
This was in front of me. Getting on a different highway from the current one. 

This was the traffic behind me. Thank God it came in waves. 

Yes, that is a we go! 

Bam!! Turbulence up the wazoo!! 

They were all very aware if my presence because if they could they would get into a farther lane. 

The only thing that has me guessing was when an "oversized load" truck passed me. Nothing beats driving a house down the highway!! 

Thank The Lord above for my nana and grandpa coming to save me. They brought me some gas and jumped my car since the battery died on it. 

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