Friday, July 26, 2013

Keep the faith

Let me begin by saying, nothing worth having comes easy. Cheesy? Yes. True? Yes.

If you have been following my blog then you may know that my GPA was too low to be admitted into the dental assistant program that I thought I so badly wanted to be in. I would have gone if I were accepted though. 

After shadowing a dental assistant and a dental hygienist for a day, I was able to compare notes on which career better fit me. 

I decided to go into dental hygiene. My reasons are this: I like the idea of doing the same thing, you get good at it and less room for error. 2) it's more one on one time with the patient, you actually have time to talk to them. 3) I don't feel like I'm in the way of the dentist. "I am the way." 

I want to get my BS in applied science at The University of Michigan. That's a really big "Top Ten" school. It requires a lot for admission, especially into a graduate program. It's also extremely expensive, money I just don't have. 

I met with the dental hygiene director and she gave me a list of the requirements I would need to meet. 

I decided it would be best for me to take all the prerequisites I would need for U of M at my local community college.  I registered for the classes specified on the list and i was on mu way. I was so excited! Next, I met with the liaison of U of M admissions at Washtenaw. I just wanted to make sure I was on the right track. Turns out I wasn't. I was so crushed. I was angry. I was angry because I was having a hard time figuring out what Gods plan for my life was and I felt like I wasn't getting His support. 

The courses I need: 

Eng. 111
Math 160 and 169 (level 3 courses) 
Intro to Psych
Intro to Sociology 
CEM 111 
Literature (any)
And any extra science and English classes would be a plus. 

Out of all those classes, I already took Eng. 111 and Intro to Psych. Then I found out my Eng. doesnt transfer so I have to take a different one....great! I'm down to 1 down, 50 to go!

I started to register for my level 3 math classes, I ended up not being able to because I was at a level 0. My math credits expired. So I had to take the math compass, I needed atleast a 3 so I could take the math classes. I went and took it and got a 2. I broke down! I couldnt handle any more "no's" 

I decided it wouldn't hurt to ask the professors of the classes I needed for an override. I emailed like 5 profs. One lady said that I had to have a level 3 and I was at a 2. Duh, I already knew that. I was over trying and went upstairs figuring if she said no, they would all say no. So I went to my room with my husband and lost it.

After an hour of screaming and crying and being angry with God again, I broke down and prayed. I prayed hard. I said I would do whatever he wanted me to, but to just tell me what it was. 

The next day I received two emails. One professor for the 169 class said that she saw that I scored a 45 on my test and that I knew enough of 097 to be in 169. She granted my request!! I was beyond happy and excited!! I praised Jesus immediately. The next email said that based on my past records, I didn't have what I needed for math 160. But based on my other override requests and that it was granted, he would give me a shot! Hallelujah!! Praise Jesus again!  

It's hard to figure out what God has in store for you and sometimes He makes it harder for you to get so that you will appreciate the gift and not take it for granted. Which is something I, personally, have a problem with. I know now that He was telling me this is what he wants for me and to not screw it up, but to work so very hard for it.

So I am successfully registered for classes and even though it's still expensive and I have to be on a payment plan, I know He will provide the funds I need for school. 

God Bless!! 

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